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Optimization for Sustainable Manufacturing: Application of Optimization Techniques to Foster Resource Efficiency

Authors: Tisseur R., Lorenço E., Silva E. J., Baptista A. J., Peças P., Ferrera E.
Abstract: Resource efficiency assessment methods, along with eco-efficiency assessment methods are needed for various industrial sectors to support sustainable development, decision-making and evaluate efficiency performance.
The combination of eco-efficiency with efficiency assessment allows to identify major inefficiencies and provides means to foster sustainability, through the efficient and effective material and energy use.
Despite the available information for decision making, this proves to be a difficult task in the manufacturing industry, therefore, there is a real need to develop and use optimization techniques to enhance resource efficiency.
In this context, and due to the lack of simple and integrated tools to assess and optimize resource efficiency, crossing the different environmental and economic aspects, arises the need to develop optimisations models, enabling support and optimize sustainable decision making process and identification of potential improvements.
The optimisation method should provide robust knowledge to support decision-making, allow comparability of the results and consider a cost-saving approach to help set priorities. Moreover, the optimisation techniques should centre the process through design/configuration of the production system, without considering time, in order not to limit the physical agents.
Keywords: Optimisation, Metaheuristics, Resource Efficiency, Sustainability, Industry 4.0
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