Industrial Symbiosis fosters the sharing of resources (energy, water, residues and recycled materials) between different processes of a single company or between multiple companies. In the context of Circular Economy, where companies are encouraged to reuse natural capital in the most efficient way and to close resources’ loops finding value in their waste, Industrial Symbiosis is key to meet global targets on industrial energy and resource efficiency while improving firms’ competitiveness. Industrial Symbiosis is one of the four pillars of the MAESTRI Total Efficiency Framework.
The prototype of a Library of Case Studies and linked Exchanges Database has been developed within MAESTRI project to provide potential Industrial Symbiosis improvement ideas and opportunities for new symbiotic exchanges. It is a source of information on existing Industrial Symbiosis implementations worldwide, built using public documents (scientific publications, etc.). Unlike existing matchmaking repositories and tools, where the registered user can identify potential neighbouring partners for specific exchanges, the prototype Library of Case Studies and linked Exchanges Database has been designed as an open access tool, does not require registration, and provides support in identifying new ideas for alternative waste reuse as well as the process to implement them.
Production/environmental managers and engineers can use it to facilitate Industrial Symbiosis implementation, but it also provides useful information to external facilitators, researchers and other actors involved in Industrial Symbiosis implementation.
The Library of Case Studies and linked Exchanges Database are open access repositories, so you are welcome to browse and download them, but please remember to fill the feedback form you’ll find at the following link.
You can also use the form to tell us if you are looking for specific information (e.g. ideas on how to recycle a particular waste) and could not find them.
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Please note that the Library and Database are work-in-progress and are constantly being updated.
You are free to use, share and adapt the content of the Library and Database under the terms of the CC BY-SA 4.0 licence.
Aknowledgment to the original source must be given by providing the link to the following DOI: